啥?搬山?怎么可能,莫非湖南启新供应链管理有限公司有移山倒海的本事?其实不然,金刚山,是朝鲜的一座非常有名的山,金刚山位于朝鲜和韩国交界处,大部分山峰位于朝鲜境内,主峰海拔为1638米,仅次于中朝国境线上的白头山( 中国名称为长白山),是朝鲜第二高山。好山好水出好产品,围绕金刚山出产了一系列产品,其中,最为出名的,就是金刚山酒,而启新供应链搬回来的山,正是这款金刚山酒!说它是洋酒吧,却有着白酒一样的醇厚品质,说它是白酒吧,却又是不同于国内绝大多数白酒,所以,它的神奇独特,确实值得大家尝试一下:
What? Move the mountain? How is that possible? Could it be that Hunan Keysun Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. has the ability to move mountains and seas? Of course not. In fact, Mount Kumgang is a very famous mountain in North Korea. It is located at the junction of North Korea and South Korea. Most of its peaks are located in North Korea. The main peak is 1638 meters high, ranking second only to Beakdu Mountain (the Chinese name is Changbai Mountain) on the border between China and North Korea. And it is the second highest mountain in North Korea. Good mountains and good water produce good products, and a series of products have been produced around Kumgangsan. Among them, the most famous one is Kumgangsan Liquor, and the mountain that Keysun moved back to is this Kumgangsan Liquor! If it is classified as foreign wine, it still has the same mellow quality as white wine; if it is classified as white wine, but in fact it is different from most domestic white wines. Therefore, the magic and uniqueness of Kumgangsan Liquor are indeed worth trying:
In our daily life, once there is a very important occasion, there must be the emergence of liquor. Liquor has a very high status in our country and also represents a culture of etiquette. Liquor is brewed from pure grains, and the brands are different. When we drink white wine, we often pour it into a cup and drink it directly. But today we will talk about what kind of drinks can be mixed with white wine.What the editor will introduce next is the use of Kumgangsan acorn wine as the base wine, because this wine has its own nutty flavor, is still an imported wine. If you get some mint leaves, lemon slices, etc., and then the whole beautiful glass, the family courtyard, it will feel like a bar. In the hot summer, you can also find the feeling of a bar at home.
What kind of drinks can be mixed with white wine ?
1.Acorn wine+ Red Bull
Speaking of Red Bull, I believes that most people have drunk it, and even those who have never had it would know this brand. It is a functional drink that can relieve fatigue in a short period of time after drinking it. And the taste of Red Bull is also quite special, so it is welcomed by many people. When we drink white wine, we often have a spicy feeling. At this time, we can mix some Red Bull into the white wine. The unique aroma of the acorn wine and the taste of Red Bull is mixed together, which makes the taste quite special and gives it a hint of sweetness.
2.Acorn wine+ ice tea
All alcohol can be mixed with iced black tea. Just like the foreign wines we usually drink, most of them can be added some iced black tea in addition to green tea. Especially after the iced black tea is iced, for some people who do not like drinking white wine, but have to drink it, they can add the iced black tea to the white wine,
which can perfectly synthesize the spicy taste of the white wine, and can also reduce the alcohol concentration.
3.Acorn wine+Sprite+passion fruit
雪碧在饮料市场当中也是非常受欢迎的,我们在喝白酒的时候,也可以在白酒当中加入适量的雪碧,颜色虽然看起来没有什么区别,但是喝起来的话,口感就会变得更加的爽烈,压根就是在喝冰镇饮料了。额,等会,我怎么还想喝,再来一杯……一杯、两杯、三杯、四杯……啊,我好想睡觉呀,哈哈 ,原来在不知不觉中,就喝多了~
Sprite is also very popular in the beverage market. When we drink white wine, we can also add an appropriate amount of Sprite to the white wine. Although the color does not seem to be any different, when you drink it, the taste will become more refreshing. I have the illusion that I am drinking an iced drink after all, uh, wait a minute, why do I still want to drink it, let's have one more cup... One, two, three, four... Ah, I really want to sleep, haha, It turns out that I drank too much before I knew it.
What kind of drinks can be mixed with liquor? The above is the whole content of this article. In fact, if you can't accept the strong taste or spicy taste of liquor when you drink it, you can add various kinds of beverages to liquor to synthesize the taste of liquor. But it is necessary to remind everyone that drinking must be in moderation.